#93 – The 9 Sports Injury Personas: What Your Injuries Reveal About You
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Episode Summary:
Ian Hawkins explores the concept of sports injury personas, highlighting how subconscious beliefs and external pressures can contribute to recurring injuries. He introduces one specific persona—those who take on immense responsibility for others' success, often carrying a heavy emotional and physical load. These individuals frequently experience injuries in their back, shoulders, ankles, and Achilles as a subconscious response to overwhelming pressure. Ian shares insights on how recognizing these patterns can help prevent injuries and improve performance.
If you or someone you know experiences repeated injuries linked to stress and expectation, this episode offers valuable strategies for change.
About the Host:
Ian Hawkins, host of "Sport Is Life," is dedicated to showing how sports can transform lives. With extensive experience as an athlete, a coach, PE teacher, community volunteer, and manager at Fox Sports, Ian brings a wealth of knowledge to the podcast. His journey began in his backyard, mentored by his older brother, and has since evolved into coaching elite athletes and business leaders. Ian's commitment to sports and personal development is evident in his roles as a performance coach and active community member. Through "Sport Is Life," Ian shares inspiring stories and valuable lessons to help listeners apply sports principles to all areas of life.
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Did you know that there are 9 different
Speaker:sports injury personas and each one of
Speaker:those personas is a different type of
Speaker:person? They have a different type of
Speaker:injury, injury that shows up and there's
Speaker:a different purpose for each of those
Speaker:injuries. I'm going to unpack one of them
Speaker:I'm Ian Hawkins and this is Sporty's
Speaker:life. The purpose of sport, as I
Speaker:see it, is to see your vision become a
Speaker:reality, find your voice, create
Speaker:strong connections and learn to trust
Speaker:your body.
Speaker:With the start of the winter codes
Speaker:and already a massive amount of injuries,
Speaker:I'm seeing it in the NRL, in the AFL,
Speaker:probably sent less in rugby and you
Speaker:because I don't follow it as much, but
Speaker:I'm sure it's probably happening there as
Speaker:well. And it made me think
Speaker:of something I've been working on for a
Speaker:few years now and that's the
Speaker:the different types of. Sports injury
Speaker:personas there are been helping people
Speaker:with. The health For a long time I've
Speaker:been helping them to remove old
Speaker:patterns that have been either causing
Speaker:injuries or. Illnesses
Speaker:or stopping things like injuries
Speaker:from healing or.
Speaker:Having repeated.
Speaker:Versions of of injuries.
Speaker:From my own experience, I'd had these
Speaker:same injuries. I'd been repeating the
Speaker:same patterns I'd. I'd been
Speaker:accepting that this is how it was always
Speaker:going to be and I also had a holiday
Speaker:subconscious blocks that were going on. I
Speaker:want to learn start to
Speaker:heal so many of those old injuries that
Speaker:were stopping me from doing things I
Speaker:wanted to and and then helping others. Is
Speaker:that actually?
Speaker:There are different personas and there's
Speaker:I found there's nine of them and I want
Speaker:to talk about one of them today.
Speaker:And this particular persona
Speaker:is that the type of person that. Is
Speaker:generally really good at giving to
Speaker:others, at supporting everyone else,
Speaker:and they also put huge expectation
Speaker:on themselves, on the results that they
Speaker:get and.
Speaker:Their part in helping other people to get
Speaker:great results, the responsibility they
Speaker:take for other people's success for, team
Speaker:success for. For
Speaker:tame happiness, for family, for
Speaker:their job, for all of them. They put
Speaker:huge expectations on themselves
Speaker:and so they also have a huge weight on
Speaker:their shoulders. They carrying so
Speaker:much, so much of a heavy load.
Speaker:Feel like it's all on their shoulders and
Speaker:it's exhausting. It's exhausting feeling
Speaker:that pressure. And part of them loves it
Speaker:and part of them is why they are how I
Speaker:perform. But there's also part of them
Speaker:And the type of injuries that these
Speaker:sort of this sort of persona gets is
Speaker:is is
Speaker:foetal ankle injuries
Speaker:support. Back,
Speaker:shoulders, Achilles. Those sort of
Speaker:key parts of our body that allow us the
Speaker:feet stand on our own 2 feet
Speaker:stability. Those ankles.
Speaker:The Achilles is very much a huge
Speaker:supporter of our whole leg structure. The
Speaker:obvious back speaks it for itself.
Speaker:Shoulders are literally carrying. The
Speaker:weight of the wall on their shoulders.
Speaker:These are the sort of injuries that they
Speaker:get, and they tend to get repeated
Speaker:versions of it when it all gets too much.
Speaker:The injury comes and I'm not saying that
Speaker:people deliberately get injured.
Speaker:It's a
Speaker:subconscious decision making that
Speaker:results in the injury. From.
Speaker:Not just the instincts to
Speaker:putting their body in a position where
Speaker:they shouldn't.
Speaker:There's a whole depth to it, but when
Speaker:there's a subconscious belief around
Speaker:something that the body will do its best
Speaker:to. To
Speaker:manifest whatever that
Speaker:underlying belief is. And when the
Speaker:pressure's getting too much and that
Speaker:voice in their head starts to say I don't
Speaker:want this anymore, I can't do this
Speaker:anymore. It's all getting too much.
Speaker:Then the injury comes and I send it
Speaker:time again and.
Speaker:I watch. I remember Michael Clarke when
Speaker:he when you know all those.
Speaker:Long time stars of Australian cricket
Speaker:stepped away and he was left to be
Speaker:captain of this young team. He's back
Speaker:when? Exactly what I'm
Speaker:talking about. There's there's countless
Speaker:examples of of this sort of
Speaker:persona getting injured. I see it at a
Speaker:local level, I see it.
Speaker:I see it in from a work perspective, I
Speaker:see it from a business perspective, I see
Speaker:it from a a parenting perspective and
Speaker:and of course, like I said, a sports
Speaker:perspective. So the purpose of the injury
Speaker:is to release the pressure to remove
Speaker:that pressure to take them out of this
Speaker:space where they've got this huge
Speaker:expectation. Literally it can reach that
Speaker:point. I don't want to do this anymore.
Speaker:It removes that weight of expectation
Speaker:they're placing on themselves, and it
Speaker:removes. That weight of the
Speaker:external expectation that they
Speaker:think is upon them. So if you think
Speaker:about that, that star player of a team
Speaker:and. That that team
Speaker:might be a work perspective, the high
Speaker:performer. It could be in a an elite
Speaker:sporting team. And when the pressure gets
Speaker:too much and the weight of expectation
Speaker:gets too much of what they're
Speaker:seeing externally and that because
Speaker:they're placing all that pressure on
Speaker:themselves to to reach the outcome
Speaker:that the external people want you imagine
Speaker:the collective fans of a high profile
Speaker:team like. This sort of persona
Speaker:feels that way and and
Speaker:they internalise it becauseI think it's
Speaker:all on them. I think it's all their
Speaker:responsibility and that if they don't do
Speaker:what they know that they need to do, then
Speaker:the result will be that they don't get
Speaker:the results that they want. So the
Speaker:purpose of the injury is to remove that
Speaker:pressure when it all gets too much, when
Speaker:they haven't got the support, when they
Speaker:haven't got the strategies, when they
Speaker:don't know the steps to
Speaker:take to change those
Speaker:subconscious beliefs and patternings
Speaker:that have them feeling like it's all on
Speaker:their shoulders. That it's all
Speaker:up to them to stand on their
Speaker:own 2 feet and make it happen.
Speaker:So if you know someone like this
Speaker:and you've seen it. And they keep having
Speaker:these patterns of having these pressure
Speaker:release injuries.
Speaker:But they also know that they want to
Speaker:continue to perform at that level, but
Speaker:just without the pressure. And get
Speaker:them in touch with me so I can help them
Speaker:to change their belief, to change the
Speaker:trajectory of their future performances,
Speaker:and of course, the
Speaker:trajectory of the performances of all of
Speaker:those teams that they're involved in.
Speaker:You've taken the time to listen to this
Speaker:whole episode. Now it's time to take
Speaker:action. Commit to one thing you've
Speaker:learned today and make it happen. And to
Speaker:avoid any obstructions, join the Sporty's
Speaker:Life movement by clicking on the link in
Speaker:the show notes.